Sometimes the shortest route between two places is not the fastest. And the fastest route may not always be the most comfortable or sustainable. In order to find the best route for each individual the Austrian online platform  now provides easy access to the best apps and web applications for mobility services. In addition the platform invites users to test new applications which are still in development in order to give useful feedback and suggest improvements. These genuine feed-backs help developers and enable test-users to directly influence the user-friendliness of applications.

As mobility is no longer limited to only one means of transport the future depends on intelligent connections between them. The platform was initiated in this perspective by Doris Bures the Austrian minister of transport in order to promote different means of transport and make their use more attractive and comfortable.  AustriaTech was designated to develop and operate on behalf of the Austrian ministry of transport innovation and technology.

Innovative mobility services like those on are gaining in importance.  Citizen’s needs regarding mobility especially in urban areas tend  to require more flexibility and tailor made services. Meanwhile the current smartphone-boom – around 55% of European cell phone users have a smart phone (source: MobiLens-research comScore) – contributes to having users carry their personal guide or navigation system in their pocket.

One of the most established Apps in Austria is ÖBB SCOTTY which provides detailed information about all timetables of public transport in Austria and integrates train metro bus tram etc. in route planning. Although the focus of this app is on public transport in Austria international train connections can also be displayed. The “Unterwegs”-App of ASFINAG provides e.g. information about the weather situation on highways and has access to 450 webcams on Austrian highways.

On one can also find apps with international focus. The e-miXer Co-Cities is a good example of international ITS apps. This EU-co-financed project for multimodal traffic and travel information for Vienna (AT) Prague (CZ) Munich (DE) Bilbao (ES) Reading (UK) and the Tuscan region (IT) enables users to send information on the quality of traffic services submit data and any relevant information about mobility (e.g. report congestions). The collected information is then forwarded to the cities and/or their traffic headquarters.

Another example of international ITS is the platform which connects drivers with empty seats in their cars with people looking for an affordable ride or different maps and navigation services.


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Original Publication Date: Wed 27 Feb 2013