
président La Cub

On the occasion of the inauguration of the BlueCub system in Bordeaux, Mr. Vincent Feltesse, MP of the Gironde, and President of the Urban Community of Bordeaux, proposed to continue to make the Bordeaux metropolis a showcase of technological innovation in the transport sector.

Recalling that Bordeaux is preparing to host in 20 months the ultimate in ultra intelligent transport specialists – namely the ITS World Congress – the President of La Cub launched the idea of commissioning an innovative tramway between the airport and the current tram line A, the route by which most delegates travel, being a distance of about 4 km.

Vincent Feltesse notably challenged the Bolloré Group, which currently tests a prototype tramway with tyres, to participate in this adventure. The main advantage of this tool is based on the fact that it uses the regular tracks and overhead wires, with its power provided by batteries being charged at each station stop.

Bearing in mind that the Urban Community services are already working on this route between the airport and the tram line A, the President of La Cub also appealed for assistance from the Prefect for the reduction of ad hoc administrative delays. He took the gamble of an appointment on the horizon of the ITS Congress in Autumn 2015 for the inauguration of this new Bordeaux showcase of efficient public transport.


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