2016 will be a great year for CO-GISTICS to show its work as the project will be present in the two largest ITS events of the year; in Glasgow at the upcoming ITS European Congress and in Melbourne at the ITS World Congress next October.

In both events, CO-GISTICS will demonstrate its GLOSA service.

In Glasgow, GEOLOC SYSTEMS is going to adapt its GLOSA application with a connection to the SPAT/MAP server and propose its version of the GLOSA application. Cargo transport optimisation will be added to the demo by integrating these services to the GLOSA interface. The driver will receive and send information concerning the delivery and pick up of goods. He will also have access to the HERE navigation tool and an optimisation of customs management. This collaboration between 2 service providers with the precious help of Glasgow city will demonstrate interoperability of C-ITS services using 4G communication.

In Melbourne, CO-GISTICS is currently in discussion with VicRoads – the road network operator in Victoria (the Australian State the Congress will be held in) – the developer of SCATS, the traffic management system VicRoads uses and Transport Certification Australia. Just like in Glasgow, the traffic light information will be received in 3G but we have the ambition of integrating a hybrid reception
(3G/G5) which will permit to compare the GLOSA service. The deployment should be done on the
busses taking care of the transfer of congressists from the congress centre to the demo area.
Several official vehicles should also be equipped.