The JULIA project aims to integrate EU space services into public transport systems worldwide. To understand the current level of Galileo usage and raise awareness of its potential benefits, JULIA has launched a new survey. By participating, public transport authorities and city officials will help shape a more reliable, efficient, and sustainable future for public transportation.

Satellite technologies like Galileo can make public transport more reliable, providing accurate positioning and timing information. The JULIA project, funded by the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) is on a mission to enhance the reliability, efficiency, and sustainability of public transport globally. Using Galileo ensures a precise geolocation.

An important focus for the JULIA consortium is to educate stakeholders about the benefits of this navigation satellite system. A recently released survey targeted at Public Transport Authorities (PTAs), Public Transport Operators (PTOs), and city officials will help the project partners gauge the public transport industry’s adoption and awareness of Galileo’s capabilities.

The answers, anonymously collected, will contribute to the development of a ‘Global Observatory of EU Space Data & Services in Public Transport’ by JULIA partners. The goal of this observatory is to facilitate knowledge sharing and quantify the global impact of EU Space Services & Data uptake on public transport.

The survey’s first round of results will be collected by Friday, 19 July. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard and contribute to a more reliable, efficient, and sustainable future for public transport! Take the JULIA Survey Now!

The JULIA consortium is committed to ensuring that the information will be kept private, used for internal research purposes only and securely stored. Only a few authorized people will have access to the data. The information provided can be accessed, modified or erased at any time by contacting