

Data Sharing Framework process

During 2014, implementation examples, data sharing experiences and general comments and ideas have been gathered by FOT-Net Data to understand the different stakeholders’ view on data sharing. The next step has been to consolidate this knowledge into further development of the data sharing documentation delivered by the former project FOT-Net2. The first two documents, Data protection recommendations and the Data and metadata descriptions are now available as drafts. They are both important parts of the FOT-Net’s Data Sharing Framework.

The purpose of the Data protection recommendations is to guide new projects and data centres on how to choose an appropriate level of protection depending on the type of data that has been collected. Data protection is the key to creating the trust needed between the data provider and the researcher and to make the data owners provide access to their data. The protection level needed depends on the harm the revealed data could do.

The document covers topics such as data classification based on protection need, data sharing access methods and recommended data protection requirements including implementation guidelines for data centres and analysis sites. An overview of current protection levels of accident databases is also incorporated.

The data and metadata description document suggests definitions and categorisation of data and metadata. The data categorisation targets the different data types that could be used for analysis. 

The four metadata categories, descriptive data, structural data, administrative data and study design documentations are explained and the content is described. The descriptive data are especially in focus, where the document recommends attributes to be used to describe the data for the researcher to facilitate accurate use of the data.

The two documents are available on the FOT-Net website ( We would like to invite you to send your comments and reflections on the different topics. Your contributions will ensure that your context is taken into consideration and that the document will be useful for you in your future FOT/NDS data analysis. We would like to have your views on the documents before 31 May 2015, to be included in the next update.

A draft of the remaining topics in the Data Sharing Framework will be available in April for comments. It will contain recommendations for procedures and templates, education, support and research services, business models and application procedures. The Data Sharing Framework will be discussed at the FOT-Net International workshop in Bordeaux, 5 October 2015, in conjunction with the ITS World Congress.


Original source: FOT-Net Data Newsletter