After 3 years of development, the MOBiNET beta platform is open now for external stakeholders to explore and test it with their use cases.

The MOBiNET project welcomes external business users (content and data providers), app developers, and others to visit the platform, become familiar with the MOBiNET concept and test it with their use case.


For access to the live platform here.

Visit the platform
This access will only grant visitors a read-only access to the Platform: visitors will be able to review its contents but they won’t be able to perform any interaction with the Platform nor upload any new content.

Become a full user of the platform and develop your use case
In order to receive the necessary credentials to fully use and test the Platform, interested stakeholders will need to contact to register their interest to do so. They will then receive the cooperation agreement to fill in with their information, including a description of their proposed test case of the Platform, for consideration by the Project Management Team. The cooperation agreement will also make reference to the licensing agreement.

Following the approval of the application and signature of the cooperation agreement, interested stakeholders will receive the applicable access rights and you will be good to go.

Access to the live platform
A Service Support Centre, available from the MOBiCENTRE homepage or Dashboard, will guide and support users during their experience. It contains all related documentation, tutorial videos as well as a FAQs section to solve or report your issues.

After using and testing the Platform, users will receive a feedback questionnaire to kindly report their overall experience and thus contribute to the continuous improvement of the Platform.“

Background information – MOBiNET webinar on live platform
On 12 December 2016, the MOBiNET project organised a webinar on the live platform. The webinar dealt with the platform and its technical components, the Usage-Based Insurance use case, the Service Support Centre and the Support Centre, and the procedure to become a full user of the Platform. For the webinar report, presentations and full recording, click here.