Viajeo Plus foresees to facilitate the uptake of the outstanding solutions for innovative and green urban mobility across the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs).

In this framework, UNIMED is organizing the second MPC Forum on Cooperation in R&D in sustainable urban mobility between EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries that will take place in Muhammad V University of Rabat Agdal on 19- 20  May 2015.

The main objective of the meeting will be to discuss about:

–  Potential topics for EC supported R&D projects in sustainable transport;

–  Proposed partnerships for potential projects

–  Expected impacts and benefits of cooperation with EC to Mediterranean partner countries

This Forum represents an exceptional opportunity to deal directly with local, national and international stakeholders and to actively participating in the decision process of the new programmes of the EC.

The draft programme will be available soon

If you want to help us to improve the EU-MPC cooperation, give us your view by filling the questionnaire  on priorities for research cooperation between Mediterranean Partner Countries on sustainable transport and urban mobility,  such as improving public transport and encouraging usage of public transport, improving traffic operation, traveler information services.

Original author: Manuela Flachi