Last month, ERTICO participated at the 2024 ITF Summit in Leipzig to present the upcoming ITS World Congress in Dubai and engage in enriching dialogues to solidify the commitment to advancing intelligent transport systems and future mobility solutions. Our presence also underscored the strong collaboration and significant strides made with the International Transport Forum (ITF), building on numerous joint initiatives and knowledge exchange forums to reinforce our collective commitment to enhancing mobility across the globe.

During the summit, ERTICO CEO, Joost Vantomme contributed to an insightful panel discussion on ‘Transport Digitalisation and its Impact on the Workforce‘, highlighting some of the key aspects of transformative effects of AI and digital technology on transport services and infrastructure:

  • Adapting to Digitalisation: The transport sector is undergoing a digital revolution, requiring workers to develop new skills in AI, automation, and green technologies.
  • Skills and Opportunities: Emphasis on upskilling and reskilling to ensure the workforce is prepared for technological advancements and promoting diversity and inclusion to create a more attractive and equitable sector.
  • Strategic Initiatives: Life-long learning programs and agile workforce planning where public-private partnerships like our organisation have the potential to support the transitions through thought leadership, co-funded projects and knowledge exchange forums.
  • Policy and Industry Collaboration: Government investments in education and training programs are important to engage stakeholders, including industry, labour unions, and academia, in order to develop comprehensive policies.
  • Key Technology Trends from ERTICO – ITS Europe’s ITS Market Radar report, including 5G and V2X Communications, Edge and Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, but also Clean and Eco-Mobility solutions. Read more about the Radar report here.

The ERTICO exhibition booth was another focal point for attendees interested in learning more about our public-private partnership, but also many other ongoing initiatives, including EU-funded projects and innovation platforms among many. The exhibition also provided an exclusive preview of the upcoming 30th ITS World Congress in Dubai.

Building the momentum of the ITF Summit, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Our partnership with ITF remains a cornerstone of our efforts to drive the digitalisation of transportation and promote sustainable mobility solutions. We extend our gratitude to ITF and Secretary-General Young Tae Kim for their continued support and collaboration. Together, we are well-positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the future, ensuring that intelligent transport systems remain at the forefront of global mobility innovation.

For more information about our work and strategic initiatives, please visit ERTICO’s website.