As the countdown to the 2024 ITS World Congress enters its final 60 days, anticipation is building for what promises to be a highly significant event for the ITS Community, not least because for the first time in its 30-year history the ITS World Congress will take place in the Middle East region. The technologically advanced city of Dubai will play host to a premier event where ground-breaking ideas, cutting-edge technologies and influential thought leaders from around the globe will converge to chart a future of mobility that is safe, sustainable and efficient. As always, ERTICO is prepared to highlight its and its Partnership’s contributions to smart mobility and transport on a global stage.

Beyond its role as the main organiser of the ITS World Congress in Dubai, ERTICO will once again play a notable part in the Congress programme and exhibition area. ERTICO’s sessions will reflect the work and innovative advancements achieved through some of the projects and platforms it is involved in across our four primary focus areas: Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), Transport for Logistics, Clean and Eco-mobility, and Urban Mobility. The Projects that will be actively present include: FAME, IN2CCAM, NAPCORE, PODIUM, SINFONICA, SUNRISE (CCAM); eBRT2030, eCharge4Drivers, NextETRUCK (Clean & Eco-Mobility);  PLOTO (Transport for Logistics); and MetaCCAZE, SHOW, SUM (Urban Mobility). The Platforms that ERTICO leads or has a prominent role in include: ADASIS, DFRS, EAVP, MaaS Alliance, SENSORIS, TM2.0, TN-ITS. Also present at the Congress will be ERTICO’s cross-sector initiatives such as The ERTICO Academy and ERTICO City Moonshot, as well as the JULIA and PRIVATEER projects of which ERTICO is a consortium member.

The theme of the Dubai event Mobility Driven by ITS will be explored by way of four main Congress topics: Automated Mobility, Clean Mobility, Innovation in Mobility & Logistics, and Urban Mobility. ERTICO’s sessions will contribute to each of these topic areas with a view to advancing intelligent transport solutions and shaping a sustainable, efficient, and inclusive transportation ecosystem.

Automated Mobility

Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility remains a big draw for ITS Congress participants. ERTICO’s sessions this year cover a lot of territory here. The sessions delve into communication technologies, automated valet parking, physical and digital infrastructure, traffic management, business models, and knowledge exchange to advance the deployment of CCAM.

SIS 19: Developments and challenges with 5G/B5G for connectivity, safety, cybersecurity and profitability focuses on the transformative impact of 5G/B5G on advanced automated driving, emphasizing its potential to enhance traffic management, fuel efficiency, and vehicle throughput through innovations like truck platooning. The critical role of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and the necessity for comprehensive interoperability and security testing across various communication platforms will be an important aspect of the discussion.

SIS 34: Beyond 5G System modelling: Standards as enablers will explore how standards in the 5G/B5G ecosystem create, deliver, and capture value by fostering interoperability, global consistency, and innovation. The session will highlight the importance of standards in ensuring security, reliability, regulatory compliance, and economic growth while attracting investment and facilitating the integration of advanced technologies into everyday life, industry and infrastructure.

SIS 46: CCAM: sharing globally to benefit locally looks into the diverse approaches and challenges different regions face in CCAM research, testing, and deployment, highlighting the importance of international collaboration. Global speakers will share their experiences and best practices, aiming to provide insights and foster discussions on how the different approaches across the regions can be adapted to benefit local advancements in CCAM.

SIS 59: PDI and Communication Developments as CCAM enablers will discuss the integration of advanced physical and digital infrastructures (PDI) and communication technologies necessary for effective CCAM deployment. The focus will be on how smart roadways, vehicles, and edge computing facilitate V2X communication and enhance traffic management, crucial for achieving Vision Zero. Experts from industry and academia will share insights on the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in distributed and infrastructure-assisted CCAM.

SIS 89: Automated Valet Parking (AVP) as the key to a mobility supporting societal values focuses on the commercial feasibility and early deployments of AVP, with OEMs gearing up for broader adoption. The session will discuss industry roadmaps, standardization efforts, and regulatory breakthroughs needed for scaling, alongside integrating new stakeholders into the parking ecosystem. Audience insights will be invited to explore regulatory, business, and societal aspects of AVP, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize urban mobility.

SIS 91: Opportunities and methodologies for integrating CCAM in traffic management will look into the critical interaction between automated and traditional vehicles with traffic management, where mixed traffic will create the need for machine-interpretable standards to ensure consistent and predictable behaviour by all vehicles. The session will explore the unique opportunities that consistent integration of CCAM within traffic management can offer.

Clean Mobility

ERTICO and its project partners bring real-world examples to highlight the efforts and progress towards environmental-friendly mobility, both for public and private transport.

SIS 11: Achieving zero emission mobility: Focusing on e-buses of the future will explore the crucial role of electrifying bus networks in combating climate change and air pollution. Experts from cities and regions from across the world will showcase innovative and economically viable electric Bus Rapid Transit solutions enhancing urban transportation. Examples will come from Amsterdam, Barcelona and Rimini (from the eBRT2030) project, Transport for West Midlands, and Sejong (South Korea).

SIS 53: How to find, book, and pay for EV Charging? – Success stories and opportunities will focus on addressing the challenges and opportunities in creating a user-friendly EV charging ecosystem. Highlighting the need for millions of new charging points and the issues arising from diverse standards and payment solutions, the session will draw on experiences from European (e.g. eCharge4Drivers) and national initiatives (e.g. in Norway and Canada) to showcase best practices and potential industry opportunities.

Innovation in Mobility & Logistics

‘Data’ is a central theme of the ERTICO session under this topic. Data-sharing and resilient digital infrastructure are explored from different perspectives to enhance mobility services and solutions.

SIS 26: Data space challenges: data sharing for efficient worldwide information exchange explores the complexities and benefits of data sharing in enhancing global mobility and logistics operations. The session highlights the necessity of building federated governance structures and robust data infrastructures to facilitate seamless Business to Government (B2G) and Business to Business (B2B) data exchange and sharing among stakeholders, to optimize efficiency and competitiveness in the increasingly digitalized logistics landscape.

SIS 51: European perspectives of risk, resilience, and sustainability of transport infrastructure is on the subject of aligning European Green Deal policies with resilient and sustainable transport infrastructure development. It emphasizes the need for integrated approaches across ports, multimodal hubs, and freight transport to achieve environmental goals while enhancing efficiency through automation, digitalization, and interoperability.  Experts will explore innovative technical solutions and management strategies that balance environmental and economic viability in the face of infrastructure challenges and climate risks.

SIS 58: Mapping Global ITS Sectoral Transformations in the three regions: A strategic foresight highlights the dynamic evolution of the ITS landscape across regions caused by blurring boundaries between sectors. It will focus on Service Providers and the Traffic & Transport Industry sectors to consider how the challenges and opportunities are being navigated. Drawing from ERTICO’s first Market Radar Report in collaboration with EY, the session examines global trends and regulatory initiatives, emphasizing ITS as a driver of innovation, efficiency, and safety in mobility solutions. Experts from Europe, the USA, and Asia Pacific share regional insights, offering a comprehensive view of sectoral transformations and strategic opportunities in the global ITS industry.

SIS 66: Advanced insight in trust aspects of mobility data puts the spotlight on two of ERTICO’s platforms: TN-ITS and TM 2.0, emphasizing the critical importance of establishing trusted, authenticated, and qualified data exchanges in the ICT-enabled mobility ecosystem. Specialists will explore enhancing data sovereignty and integrity across the end-to-end data chain, with a focus on EU RTTI DR use cases and developments in DATEXII CEN standards.

SIS 80: Towards a world MAP community brings global MAP innovators to discuss cutting-edge advancements in digital mapping, focusing on High-Definition maps, MAP data exchange standards like EU TN-ITS, and evolving methodologies for map service delivery.  Their potentially revolutionising applications in C-ITS and CCAM will be considered, along with the implementation of regulatory frameworks such as the EU RTTI delegated regulation.

Urban Mobility

Under this topic, ERTICO will present results from its City Moonshot initiative and consider the integration of active travel, traffic management and active travel. A highlight here is also the discussion on Innovative Aerial Services, which combines insights from Europe’s Drone Strategy 2.0 and upcoming IAS flights in Dubai.

SIS 44: ERTICO City Moonshot: Experiences of cities on their mobility challenges will discuss insights gathered from cities and regions worldwide through the City Moonshot initiative, aiming to address

mobility needs and challenges, focussing on topics such as Sustainability, Mobility as a Service, Electric mobility, and Urban Air Mobility. Cities like Ras al Khaimah and Dubai will their transport challenges and sustainability efforts. SWARCO will showcase their GOGREEN initiative in support of the European Green Deal goals.

SIS 65: Innovative Aerial Services (IAS) – How might the future of mobility look like? explores the evolution from Urban Air Mobility (UAM) to Innovative Aerial Services (IAS) and the significant developments since the World Congress Hamburg in 2021. With Europe’s Drone Strategy 2.0 and upcoming IAS flights in Dubai, the session aims to address critical questions on technology maturity, safety, integration into Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and societal readiness, emphasizing IAS’s potential to revolutionize last-mile transport, medical response, and urban traffic management.

SIS 87: Active travel, traffic management and connected vehicles will look into the integration of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technologies with active travel initiatives like walking and cycling, exploring how these can coexist synergistically. The session will address topics such as detecting cyclists and pedestrians, leveraging connected vehicle technologies for safety and efficiency, and designing infrastructure and traffic management systems to maximize the benefits of both technologies while promoting increased walking and cycling uptake.

SIS 88: Challenges on data sharing and combination of standards for safety data services will explore safety data within a common Mobility Data Space, focusing on integrating various data exchange standards. Stakeholders from different data exchange standardisation organisation like SENSORIS, TISA, TN-ITS, ADASIS, DATEX-II, EuroNCAP will be represented, along with the implementation activities of the Data for Road Safety (DFRS) platform and NAPCORE Key topics include ensuring user acceptance through addressing data quality, reliability, timeliness, latency, security, and sovereignty, with specific use cases.

“The ITS World Congress plays an indispensable role in shaping the future of transportation by providing a platform for industry leaders, policymakers, researchers, and innovators to collaborate and share insights. It is a prime opportunity for ERTICO to present its initiatives and cooperation with its Partners, while broadening its network around the world. This international outreach is an important means to facilitate the wider deployment of some of the solutions and ideas emerging from the Partnerships activities”, says ERTICO CEO, Mr Joost Vantomme.

We look forward to welcoming you at this year’s Congress in Dubai, which will feature a diverse array of sessions, demonstrations, and exhibitions highlighting the latest advancements and trends in ITS. With topics ranging from autonomous vehicles and smart city infrastructure to sustainable transport solutions and cybersecurity, the Congress will cover the full spectrum of intelligent mobility.

These are some of the sessions associated with a few of the projects ERTICO is involved in with its partners. Don’t miss the opportunity to know more and have your voice heard!

Session ID Session Title Session Timing ERTICO Projects
SIS 11 Achieving zero emission mobility: Focusing on e-buses of the future 16/09/2024

15:15 – 16:45

SIS 19 Developments and challenges with 5G/B5G for connectivity, safety, cybersecurity and profitability 16/09/2024

13:30 – 15:00

SIS 26 Data space challenges: data sharing for efficient worldwide information exchange 17/09/2024

11:00 – 12:30

SIS 34 Beyond 5G System modelling:  Standards as enablers  17/09/2024

14:00 – 15:30

SIS 44 ERTICO City Moonshot: Experiences of cities on their mobility challenges 17/09/2024

16:00 – 17:30

City Moonshot
SIS 46 CCAM: sharing globally to benefit locally 17/09/2024

16:00 – 17:30

SIS 51 European perspectives of risk, resilience, and sustainability of transport infrastructure 18/09/2024

11:00 – 12:30

SIS 53 How to find, book, and pay for EV Charging? – Success stories and opportunities 18/09/2024

14:00 – 15:30

SIS 58 Mapping Global ITS Sectoral Transformations in the three regions: A strategic foresight 17/09/2024

16:00 – 17:30

SIS 59 PDI and Communication Developments as CCAM enablers 18/09/2024

16:00 – 17:30

SIS 65 Innovative Aerial Services (IAS) – How might the future of mobility look like? 19/09/2024

11:00 – 12:30

SIS 66 Advanced insight in trust aspects of mobility data 17/09/2024

16:00 – 17:30

SIS 80 Towards a world MAP community 16/09/2024

15:15 – 16:45

SIS 87 Active travel, traffic management and connected vehicles 20/09/2024

09:00 – 10:30

CulturalRoad, EvoRoads
SIS 88 Challenges on data sharing and combination of standards for safety data services 20/09/2024

09:00 – 10:30

SIS 89 Automated Valet Parking (AVP) as the key to a mobility supporting societal values 18/09/2024

16:00 – 17:30

SIS 91 Opportunities and methodologies for integrating CCAM in traffic management 20/09/2024

11:00 – 12:30