This is significantly less than in the U.S. (as reported by Dingus et al) and methodological differences between the U.S. and European studies cannot account for that difference
There are indications that car drivers attempt to self-regulate their activity: there is considerably more activity when stopped or moving slowly


Supporting documents 

D41.1 Synthesis of analysis results

This deliverable presents key results of the analysis performed in UDRIVE Sub-project 4: Data analysis. It also describes the UDRIVE dataset. The analysis in UDRIVE was facilitated by tools such as the quality assurance procedures and data tracking, the SALSA data processing tool, the UDRIVE annotation codebook and high-quality manual annotation of video. The analysis itself is described in short in this report, while details are presented in separate UDRIVE deliverables. In summary, a large variety of analyses was performed on the UDRIVE naturalistic driving data (NDD). Although the efforts and results have been significant and already impact safety measure design and development, the UDRIVE project has only scratched the surface of the analysis potential.


The post Car drivers were involved in distracting activities for 10% of the time spend driving · The most common distracting activity is hand-held mobile phone use; this is in total 4.2% of driving time · In Poland, mobile phone use was significantly higher than in other countries (UK, France, Germany) appeared first on UDrive Results.