Open Research Europe is an open access publishing platform for the publication of research stemming from Horizon 2020 funding across all subject areas. The platform makes it easy for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries to comply with the open access terms of their funding and offers researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion.

Open Research Europe publishes articles across the Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities stemming from Horizon 2020 funding. Each publication must have at least one author who has been, or still is, a recipient of a Horizon 2020 grant.

Articles must be original (not duplications). All research is welcome and will be published irrespective of the perceived level of interest or novelty; confirmatory and negative results, as well as null studies are all suitable. Access the full list of article types we accept for more information.

All articles are published using a fully transparent, author-driven model; the authors are solely responsible for the content of their article. Invited peer review takes place openly after publication, and the authors play a crucial role in ensuring that the article is peer reviewed by independent experts in a timely manner. Articles that pass peer review will be indexed in a number of bibliographic databases and repositories, following formal approval by these services.

Open Research Europe is an Open Research platform: all articles are published open access under a CC-BY license; the publishing and peer-review processes are fully transparent; and where applicable, authors are asked to include detailed descriptions of methods and to provide full and easy access to the source data underlying the results in order to improve reproducibility.

You can submit your research here.