As stated by the European Commission “The increasing volume of road transport in the European Union poses several challenges. Road transport is responsible for most emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants from the transport sector as a whole. While road safety has improved in the EU over the past few decades, this trend has slowed down recently and it is unlikely that the EU will achieve its objective of a 50 % reduction in fatalities between 2010 and 2020. In addition, congested roads incur huge costs to the EU economy. Coordinated action across a number of fronts is required to tackle these issues and prevent them from bringing serious harm to Europe’s people, economy, environment and climate. New technologies aimed at improving the efficiency, safety and environmental performance of road transport are playing a significant role in achieving the Commission’s goals in this area. One emerging field is that of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), which enable vehicles to interact directly with each other and the surrounding road infrastructure”.

To achieve the goal of safer, cleaner and more efficient transport, the European Commission is collecting feedback until February 8 on C-ITS (cooperative intelligent transport systems) provisions.

Draft acts are open for feedback for 4 weeks and published on this site. Feedback will be taken into account for finalising this initiative.

Click here for more information.

Source: European Commission