The EU-funded project NEWBITS ( investigates the conditions and dynamics that affect the deployment of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services. An improved understanding of these factors should contribute to more successful business models as well as more effective policy incentives for ITS services.

An important goal of NEWBITS is to provide an overview of the main barriers, enablers and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the deployment of ITS services. More specifically, we would like to identify these for the market segments identified below.

– Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS): ITS services that provide travellers with real-time travel and traffic information
– Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS): ITS services that focus on traffic control devices, such as traffic signals, ramp metering, parking management systems and demand & access management systems.
– Advanced Transportation Pricing System (ATPS): ITS-enabled transportation pricing systems, mainly used for electronic toll collection purposes.
– Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS): ITS services that enable transit vehicles, whether bus or rail, to optimise their operations, e.g. by real-time reporting on their current location or improved information on their usage patterns.
– Cooperative Vehicle Systems (CVS): ITS services that involve communication and information sharing betwen ITS stations in order to give advice or facilitate actions with the objective of improving safety, sustainability, efficiency and comfort beyond the scope of stand-alone systems.

As an individual expert or organisation active within the field of ITS, the NEWBITS project seeks input to this study via a survey which will ask for your views on the most important barriers and enablers and most relevant KPIs for the deployment of ITS services in the different market segments:

This questionnaire has 9 questions and will take approximately 10-15 minutes to answer.

All responses are strictly confidential. The NEWBITS consortium will not be able to personally identify you by the information you provide in your responses to this survey. We will not disclose your personal information to third parties.