Commission requests Flash Eurobarometer on road safety.

Flash Eurobarometers are ad hoc thematical telephone interviews enabling the Commission to obtain results relatively quickly and to focus on specific target groups as and when required. This survey (“FL301 Road safety”) was requested by DG Move as part of the Commission’s commitment to making a contribution to the goal of safer roads in Europe.

The survey obtained interviews – fixed-line mobile phone and face-to-face – with nationally representative samples of EU citizens (aged 15 and older) living in the 27 Member States. The target sample size in most countries was 1000 interviews; in total25629 interviews were conducted.

The results showed that drink driving was considered to a serious problem by the largest number of respondents (94 %) followed by speeding (78 %) and not wearing seat belts (74 %). Talking on phones was also considered a problem although this varied depending on the type – a hand-held or hands-free model.

Other topics covered included road infrastructure and safely campaigns.

To read the full survey click here.

Link to original Article

Original Publication Date: Mon 04 Oct 2010