More than 700 participants from 21 countries took part at the CPEXPO 2014 from the 9th to the 11th of December in Genova (Italy) and at the Security Research Conference, an annual event organized by the European Commission and this year together with the Italian Presidency of the European Union.
In that context Regione Liguria launched, in collaboration with Regione PACA, Castilla y Leon, Bretagne, Magellan Cluster from Portugal and Paragon Malta, a network on urban security, resilience and critical infrastructures.
This initiative has received the endorsement of the Italian Presidency of the European Union and of the European Commission through the Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities and DG Home Affairs.
The idea is to work on the new programming period 2014-2020 of Cohesion Funds in particular on the so-called “Smart Specialization Strategies” requested by DG REGIO to regional authorities by promoting measures aiming at boosting business innovation, new jobs and skills and social inclusion and at setting up synergies between EU initiatives (H2020, COSME, EIB).
The intelligent combination of funding instruments and commitments will enable to bypass any credit crunch and to better plan project-bundles / infrastructure investments.
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