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Collaborative Innovation Days – logistics information spaces: from data to value
April 4, 2019

Enterprises and authorities are operating within global and complex supply and logistics networks that increasingly rely on data exchange to optimize and synchronize their processes. Freight Transport and Logistics is a fragmented industry with great involvement of SMEs that require simple, ready-to-use solutions since they lack enough knowledge and investment capital. Managing data has been a key research topic for more than a decade and it is indeed nowadays a significant success factor for logistics companies. Data markets and platforms are important enablers to achieve seamless information sharing to build efficient end to end logistics operations. By means of data analysis, companies can optimise both their own and their customers‘ supply chain.
The Digital Transport and Logistics Forum, DTLF aims to build a common vision and road map towards a federative platform in Europe, where existing data markets and platforms are interoperable and operate as one towards enterprises and authorities.
In this Collaborative Innovation Day, we will share experiences and knowledge on industry & public initiatives, research and innovation projects in the field. We will revisit priorities included in ALICE roadmap on Information Systems for Interconnected Logistics and the conclusions of the Digitalization Collaborative Innovation Day in 2017.
Questions addressed:
- What are the barriers to data sharing? are they technical (i.e. systems integration and communication), organizational, economical (value for logistics & supply chain underestimated) or cultural?
- Would the initiative of the DTLF to create a federative platform help business and authorities to improve data sharing? Who should drive the development of this collaboration amongst data markets and platforms, what would be the role of EC, Member States authorities, supply and logistics enterprises and data market/-platform/technology providers?
- Which are the main strategies to ensure data sovereignty?
- Which is the actual implementation and use of data sharing platforms & ecosystems? Which are the most successful cases? How has trust been built?
- How are logistics data spaces created? Which are the different governance models? How to easily pool platforms, applications and services?
- How are logistics data markets emerging? Which are the expected developments in the field?
Click here for the draft agenda.