SocialCar Conference

Regione Lazio - Logo Room – 8th floor Rond Point Schuman, 14, Brussels, Belgium

New consumer behaviour - new business opportunities. SocialCar in the sharing economy The sharing economy has rapidly gained in importance over the last few years, affecting traditional market sectors including […]

5th IRU/EU Road Transport Conference

The Square rue Mont des Arts , Brussels, Belgium

Join over 300 of Europe's top transport professionals from the business and political fields to examine the potential opportunities and challenges for Europe resulting from China's major policy  programme 'One […]

Smart cars: Driven by data conference

Albert Hall Avenue Eudore Pirmez 9, Bruxelles , 1040

Connected and automated driving is rapidly shaping the automobile industry’s future, creating new areas of business with new players, thereby impacting existing business models. It also promises a whole new […]