Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service

University of Patras Conference and Cultural Center Panepistimioupoli Patron , Patras, Greece

The University of Patras, Department of Civil Engineering, in cooperation with ITS Hellas and with the support of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers are organizing the “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service” International Conference. Smart cities use digital technologies to enhance performance and wellbeing, to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage […]

SocialCar Conference

Regione Lazio - Logo Room – 8th floor Rond Point Schuman, 14, Brussels, Belgium

New consumer behaviour - new business opportunities. SocialCar in the sharing economy The sharing economy has rapidly gained in importance over the last few years, affecting traditional market sectors including mobility and logistics, retail and consumer merchandise, tourism and leisure. Collaborative consumption, rethinking the value of ownership, consumers becoming service providers are factors which herald […]

5th IRU/EU Road Transport Conference

The Square rue Mont des Arts , Brussels, Belgium

Join over 300 of Europe's top transport professionals from the business and political fields to examine the potential opportunities and challenges for Europe resulting from China's major policy  programme 'One Belt, One Road' Keynote speaker Mission of People's Republic of China to the EU Key participants Arpád Érsek, Slovakian Minister of Transport, Construction and Regional […]

International Scientific-Technical Conference – ITS – safe roads of the future

KSUAE Green St., 1, Kazan, Russian Federation

We invite you to participate at the international scientific-technical conference «ITS - safe roads of the future», which will take place 1st-3rd December 2016 in Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering. Conference sections: 1. Intelligent transport systems. 2. Technologies and ICT innovations in the transport industry. 3. Architecture of telecommunication systems in relation to […]