FOT-Net Data Stakeholder meeting

Venue: ERTICO - ITS Europe, BrusselsDate: Tuesday 10 March 2015, 09h30-17h00 This meeting will address three main topics: The way in which the new projects in Horizon 2020 will deal with open data and can profit from re-using data gathered in earlier projects. Also recommendations on open data for new proposals will be discussed. Practices […]

Improving Cycling Safety using ITS

The VRUITS project, which is sponsored by the European Commission (DG MOVE), aims at providing recommendations regarding ITS applications for the improvement of the safety and mobility for Vulnerable Road Users. VRUITS assesses the societal impact of selected ITS applications and demonstrates the use of innovative ITS applications for VRUs. In Helmond, the VRUITS project […]

CityMobil2 workshop: Socio-economic impact of road vehicle automation

Road vehicle automation will have an impact as big as the internal combustion engine had during the 20th century. Do you know how is mobility going to change? And how your business, your industry and society at large are going to be affected? To discuss this, the workshop on Socio-economic impact of road vehicle automation […]

Workshop on the socio-economic impact of road vehicle automation

CityMobil2 workshop - Socio-economic impact of road vehicle automation - March 30 and 31, 2015, La Rochelle, France. LAST DAYS TO REGISTER! The CityMobil2 project aims at eliminating the barriers to the deployment of fully automated road transport systems and automated mobility. One of these barriers is the little knowledge of the large-scale socio-economic impact […]