Mobility Forum Plenary meeting

iMobility Forum Plenary meeting Brussels (Belgium), Thursday 9 October 2014

iMobility Challenge Vehicle Technology demonstrations

Barcelona, Spain 9 to 14 October The iMobility Challenge project is planning its biggest yearly event in Barcelona, Spain, on the 9th of October. The event will take place at the FCB stadium and will have the following audiences: - Professionals/decision-makers: there will be a high-level workshop about intelligent vehicle technologies inside the stadium.General public: […]

ITS Workshop in Kazan

Earlier this year the Ministry of Information & Communication Technologies from Tatarstan, Russia, joined the ERTICO Partnership together with Inspectra, a private ITS company. Together with Tatarstan stakeholders from the ITS Community we have identified three topics, which are of highest priority in Tatarstan: · eCall / ERA GLONASS implementation · C-ITS – V2X communication […]

EU – Tatarstan Cooperation on ITS

Earlier this year the Ministry of Information & Communication Technologies from Tatarstan, Russia, joined the ERTICO Partnership together with Inspectra, a private ITS company. The reason was to learn from the ERTICO Partnership how different ITS solutions could be implemented as effectively as possible. Together with Tatarstan stakeholders from the ITS Community we have identified […]