ITS Nationals Plenary meeting

We are pleased to announce that the ITS Nationals will hold their next Plenary at the ERTICO offices in Brussels on the 28th of November. This session is poised to be a strategic convergence for key players in the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) sector.   The agenda will cover innovative trends and collaborative efforts in ITS, […]

PoDIUM Webinar – A multi-connectivity approach for CCAM Service: PoDIUM’s architecture platform

The PoDIUM project will host its first webinar on 30 November, from 11:00 to 12:00 CET, on “A multi-connectivity approach for CCAM Services: PoDIUM’s architecture platform”. The webinar will offer the unique opportunity to discover the project’s platform architecture, which will help boost the deployment of advanced CCAM services in Europe. PoDIUM aims to accelerate […]

SUNRISE Webinar – Developing a Safety Assurance Framework for Connected and Automated Mobility Systems – State-of-the-Art, gaps and requirements

Safety assurance of automated vehicles is crucial for their successful adoption and deployment in society. Worldwide, several initiatives have started to develop test and assessment methods for automated vehicles, applying a scenario-based approach, and combining both physical and virtual testing. However, the lack of a common approach is leading to silo solutions, hampering the large-scale […]

5GMETA – 5G-IANA – 5GASP -VITAL-5G joint webinar


Interoperability of European 5G platforms for Connected and Automated Mobility In this webinar, representatives from the 5GMETA, 5GASP, 5G IANA and VITAL-5G European projects will discuss about the landscape of 5G platforms for Connected and Automated mobility, with a focus on the importance of interoperability. Register here! Draft agenda