H2020 Road Transport Research European Conference


More than 70 projects dealing with road transport research funded under the Horizon 2020 Transport programme, will present their results at the 4th edition of the H2020 Road Transport Research European Conference (#H2020RTR20). Amongst these, ERTICO activities SAFE STRIP, ELVITEN and C-MobILE will have the opportunity to share their results and advancments. Co-organised by the […]

SHOW 1st Ideathon – Help us decide the best possible automated urban mobility solutions!


SHOW supports the deployment of shared, connected, electrified automated vehicles in cities, to advance sustainable urban mobility. Real-life demonstrations will take place in 20 cities across Europe, to test the integration of automated vehicle fleets in public transport, demand-responsive transport (DRT), Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Logistics as a Service (LaaS) schemes. In order […]

European Truck Platooning Challenge Virtual Meeting


The European Truck Platooning Challenge (ETPC) community will virtually meet on 20 January to discuss the latest news on Truck Platooning and developments; held twice a year, the ETPC meetings bring together stakeholders and foster the exchange of information on and promote the market uptake of truck platooning. This virtual meeting will focus on the […]

SOLUTIONSplus Global learning – Kick off webinar


Register now for an exciting first course on e-mobility to get a basic understanding of e-mobility in a global and online learning environment! The global learning programme is based on the SOLUTIONSplus project, which started in 2020 and aims to set up a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions. With the learning programme, […]