
Big Data Europe Workshop

ERTICO- ITS Europe, Blue Tower Avenue Louise 326, Brussels, Belgium

Big Data Europe is undertaking the foundational work for enabling European companies to build innovative multilingual products and services based on semantically interoperable, large-scale, multi-lingual data assets and knowledge, available under a variety of licenses and business models. The Transport Societal Challenge sets its eyes to contributing to smarter, safer and cleaner transport using beyond-state-of-the-art data […]

Big Data & Transport – Hangout

We've had a great workshop earlier in the fall and thought it would be good to catch up before the year ends. We'll be hosting a 1 hour hangout in the beginning of December to see where we've come so far and what work lies ahead for the next year. Hope you can make it! What we'll talk about: Introduction to BigDataEurope […]