42 ITS Stakeholders participated in the MOBiNET webinar “Live MOBiNET platform open for external users – join us!” that took place 12 December 2016. The webinar provided a hands-on demonstration of the MOBiNET platform, explained how the platform works and what ITS stakeholders can gain from it. The MOBiNET project calls upon business users (content and data providers), and app developers, etc. to familiarise themselves with the MOBiNET platform and test it with their use case.
Rasmus Lindholm, ERTICO – ITS Europe and MOBiNET Project Coordinator, moderated the webinar.
An overview of the MOBiNET technical platform and core components
Peter-Paul Schackmann, TNO and MOBiNET Technical Manager, presented the technical platform and core components. Key components include the Service Directory (SD) (central location where services are registered and can be found by others through dashboard or API), the Identity Manager for authentication and authorisation, the billing component handling the financial transaction between different service providers (billing and clearing), the Telematics Service Provider (TSP) Manager (responsible for all communication between TSPs and Insurance Providers), the Communication Agent, and the Analytics tools (Data Quality Assessment and Network Analytics).The SD currently contains the 10 MOBiNET services that are used to validate the platform.
Access to MOBiCENTRE either happens via the MOBiAGENT or through the MOBiNET dashboard.

User-Based Insurance use case demonstrates the use of the MOBiNET platform
Michael Sena, Allianz Telematics and MOBiNET Business Manager, demonstrated the platform by using the User-Based Insurance (UBI) use case which calculates vehicle insurance cost based on real usage of a vehicle. It links the telematics data from a vehicle with the selected insurance product. The UBI service uses several MOBiNET components including the Identity Manager, the SD, and the TSP Manager. Using MOBiNET provides insurance companies with multiple advantages: they can gain access to extra customers via in-vehicle telematics devices in vehicles and fleets, or they could discover new customers and propose new kinds of products through direct marketing to connected travellers who have MOBINET in their smart device. A third advance is that they could sell on third-party insurance-related products to other B2C service providers who could add these to their main service such as navigation, tourism or freight distribution or delivery.
Service Support Centre, first point to MOBiNET platform
Janki Dodiya, DLR, presented the MOBiNET Service Support Centre (SSC). The SSC is the first point of contact for users who need more information on the MOBiNET platform, either for usage of the platform or its components, or for developing purposes. The SSC is a website integrated in the Dashboard. The SSC consists of 3 main parts or Widgets: Terms of service, Contact and Support Centre (SC). In the SC a visitor will find sections dedicated to the MOBiNET SDK and tools to develop, deploy and operate services in MOBiNET. The SC contains a tutorial that gives practical guidance on how to use the SDK and the platform components of the MOBiCENTRE. It contains descriptions of necessary steps in order to set up a user’s working environment to implement a MOBiNET service and a MOBiNET client. Interested stakeholders will also find in the SC a detailed description of a MOBiNET service description file, an explanation of the dashboard, its Widgets, the login on the dashboard, and a section troubleshooting.

The information in the SC is divided into two user groups: regular end-users of the platform are only allowed to see sections about the basic usage of the platform; while developers are able to see information for developing purposes like the API of components. In order for an interested stakeholder to gain developer rights, he/she must go into the “Contact” section of the SSC.
The “Terms of Service” section provides the terms for usage of the MOBiNET platform and its services. The access to and use of the service is conditioned by user acceptance of and compliance with these terms. These terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the service.
The MOBiNET Dashboard provides the contact information through which a user can contact the platform owner to get developer rights or developers can contact the technical support.
Rasmus Lindholm continued by explaining the procedure, the signing of the agreement and the proposal of use case.
Questions and Answers session
The webinar was concluded with a Questions and Answers session.
– On the question if there is only one MOBiNET platform or whether there can be many other MOBiNET platforms, Rasmus Lindholm stated he believed the MOBiNET platform can be linked to others but this a feature that MOBiNET has not investigated.
– A description of all MOBiNET use cases can be found here .
– Business models for the platform and continuity of the platform beyond the project period: The MOBiNET deliverable for Business Models describes three options, two not-for-profit and one for-profit. All options generate value for both business and end-user customers of the MOBiNET e-Marketplace Platform by providing the means to deliver and find mobility services. Payments are made by business customers to the MOBiNET Platform Operator for gaining access to the Platform. Transaction fees are charged for invoice payments made through MOBiNET. Concerning the second part of the question, part of the MOBiNET Project is focused on identifying potential operators of the MOBiNET Platform, either in its current form or in a form that is adapted by the eventual operator.
– Where does the end-user have to register? At the MOBiNET platform, the vehicle OEM or the specific service providers, like the UBI use case?
The end user who has a vehicle with an embedded telematics unit (e.g., Volvo On Call; BMW Assist) uses the MOBiAGENT Component to search in the MOBiNET Service Directory for insurance companies that are able to provide Usage Based Insurance services for his/her particular brand of car, model and model year. For end users who have an aftermarket-fit unit, they will look for insurance companies that state that they can deliver UBI to a particular unit. Matching the requirements of the insurance provider with the data that is obtainable from the on-board unit is something that is built into the Service Directory. Once the user finds the insurance companies that are potential providers, the user is directed to the web sites of the insurance companies where they will have a complete description of pricing and insurance contract terms. These cannot be provided through MOBiNET since that would place MOBiNET in the position of being an agent. The end user signs the contract directly with the insurance company. The insurance company then informs the telematics service provider for the telematics unit, via the TSP Manager Component, to deliver a specific package of data at pre-determined times to a designated location.
Webinar Agenda
Webinar Presentations
- An introduction to the MOBiNET platform
Rasmus Lindholm, ERTICO – ITS Europe - MOBiNET technical platform and core components
Peter-Paul Schackmann, TNO - Demonstration of the platform using the User-Based Insurance (UBI) use case
Michael Sena, Allianz Telematics - How to use the MOBiNET platform: the MOBiNET Service Support Centre
Janki Dodiya, DLR - Interested to test the platform? Learn about the procedure, signing of the agreement and proposal of use case
Rasmus Lindholm, ERTICO – ITS Europe
Webinar recording
Click here to watch the webinar on Youtube.
We are happy to inform webinar participants of the next steps:
For access to the live platform, click here.
Visit the platform
This access will only grant visitors a read-only access to the Platform: visitors will be able to review its contents but they won’t be able to perform any interaction with the Platform nor upload any new content.
Become a full user of the platform and develop your use case
In order to receive the necessary credentials to fully use and test the Platform, interested stakeholders will need to contact info@mobinet.eu to register their interest to do so. They will then receive the cooperation agreement to fill in with their information, including a description of their proposed test case of the Platform, for consideration by the Project Management Team. The cooperation agreement will also make reference to the licensing agreement.
Following the approval of the application and signature of the cooperation agreement, interested stakeholders will receive the applicable access rights and you will be good to go.
Access to the live platform
A Service Support Centre, available from the MOBiCENTRE homepage or Dashboard, will guide and support users during their experience. It contains all related documentation, tutorial videos as well as a FAQs section to solve or report your issues.
After using and testing the Platform, users will receive a feedback questionnaire to kindly report their overall experience and thus contribute to the continuous improvement of the Platform.