Session Title: Achieving C-ITS interoperability in Europe: the examples of COMPASS4D and SCOOP@F
Session ID: PR5
Date & time: Wednesday, 8 June 2016, 11:00 – 12:30
Room: Theatre 2
The session will look at interoperability from different angles to acquaint and challenge the audience on current achievements and way forward in different settings (urban, highway, long distance). Recent experiences & future perspectives from the point of view of fleet operators and public authorities will be presented respectively by IRU and the City of Copenhagen.
Proven results and deployment plans (technologies & services) in Bordeaux from Compass4D and SCOOP@F projects will be presented by the French Ministry. Exchanges of technical specifications between France and Austria in the frame of SCOOP@F and ECo-AT corridor projects will be presented by AustriaTech. The next cross-testing steps planned in Portugal and Spain in the frame of both SCOOP@F and Compass4D continuation in Vigo will be presented jointly by BRISA and CTAG. A road map for up-scaling, technology evolution, integration of C-ITS with interactive traffic management, seamless services provision within and across cities and countries will be discussed engaging the audience in a lively debate. This is truly a way of delivering future cities now!
You are kindly invited to spread the word & join us to have your say on what C-ITS is already becoming at this exciting session.