Reaching a crucial phase in the development of the ITS platform, the ITS Observatory opened a call for ITS experts to provide a critical mass of content prior to the official launch of the platform. Based on a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the ITS National Associations (ITSNA) and the ITS Observatory consortium end of 2016, National Associations and their designated experts will report the best ITS achievements in their regions.

The ITSNA is a major source of knowledge for ITS deployment across Europe, hence the ITS Observatory engages experts from the Network of ITS Nationals to support the project actively in providing information on national ITS implementations and a profile of the ITS domain in their countries and to make this knowledge available through the ITS Observatory platform.

For the ITS Observatory project, this activity will enable and support the work on data collection and the development of the business plan for long-term viability. Moreover, the ITSNA can be an important reference group for validation of the platform and provide feedback to its developers before the ITS Observatory becomes public.

ITS experts will provide content related to deployed ITS including descriptions of cases or best practices of actually implemented ITS systems or services. The data will contain policy and legislation information including a variety of strategic documents, roadmaps, policy and legislative framework documents relevant for ITS deployment on national level. These will also include national, regional and local ITS roadmaps and action plans as well as legislation relevant for ITS deployment in the Member States. Finally, the Who’s Who directory will contain the contact details and descriptions of the relevant organisations from the public sector as well as industry.

The launch of the comprehensive European observatory on ITS is scheduled for the spring of 2017.


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