
“Mobility 2.0.”

An event organised by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy


Further to the adoption of the European ITS Directive in 2010, the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy expressed an interest in structuring Intelligent Transport Systems at the national level. During the national conference on “Mobility 2.0”, held in Versailles on 11th February, the Minister for Transport, Frédéric Cuvillier expressed the importance of defining a national framework to encourage ITS development, to fix priorities for future mobility services, and eventually to identify needs for changing regulations.

Public authorities, mobility services providers, transport operators, together with Industry representatives discussed current issues and expected impacts of ITS in the future. Through different presentations and especially demonstrations it was highlighted that France is considered nowadays as a leader in automated vehicles. 

Various pilot projects for driverless vehicles have been developed in France under varying circumstances for different types of users. Automated cars can be used for specific itineraries such as airports, industrial districts etc. (project VIPA), for speed regulation in urban areas (ABV), for communicating vehicles on smart infrastructure (Co-Drive) and for smart parking (Trans’Yves). A key element for future ITS development in France is the new project SCOOP@F, also introduced during the event “Mobility 2.0”. Based on a collaborative public-private partnership the research project will focus on “talking cars” in three main aspects: electrified vehicles, driving and connectivity, and cooperative systems. By 2016, more than 3 000 vehicles will be tested on 2 000km of connected roads.

Open data has become an important issue for Mobility and Transport in many European countries. Even though, in France, the official release of Public Transport Data will take place in October 2014, some local initiatives are already operational. An example of this “urban multimodal GPS platform” is the project “Optimod” in Lyon, an innovative tool for collaborative urban mobility using open data at the local level.

Finally, France expects the launch of a national multimodal itinerary calculator for smartphones to organise trips in real time, starting in March 2014.

For more information, download the original report in French here:DP_Mobilite2-0_110214.pdf