Hellenic presidency of the EU / ITS-eCall and Road Safety | n 25 April 2014

In celebration of the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the HeERO Greek pilot site under the support of the Greek Ministry of Transport and ERTICO - ITS EUROPE, will organise an ITS-eCall and Road Safety day on the 25th April 2014 in Athens, where both an eCall demonstration and a conference […]

“ITS, eCall and Road Safety”, Athens, Greece

The Greek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transports and Networks is organizing in cooperation with the European Commission and ERTICO-ITS Europe the International Conference on "ITS, eCall and Road Safety". The event will take place on April 25th 2014, at the main auditorium of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, located on 2 Anastaseos Str., Papagos, in […]

ITS for Freight Transport & Logistics workshop

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The ERTICO Supervisory Board decided on 30th April for the ERTICO Partnership to implement a Task Force on ITS for Freight Transport & Logistics. The Task Force will be implemented for half a year and involves 3 workshop meetings. The 1st workshop  " ITS for Freight Transport & Logistics " is organised on 5th June […]

Webinar on “Standardisation”

REGISTER HERE   The items on the preliminary agenda are: • Short update on ITS standards from ETSI, CEN, ISO, IEEE and SAE • Report on EU projects Standardisation activities • EU-US C-ITS Standards Harmonization status   Speakers are Standardisation experts:  • Wolfgang Hoefs (European Commission) • Steve Sill (US Dot) • Knut Evensen (Q-Free) • François Fischer (ERTICO) […]