
Tag: cycling

Espoo citizens test app to help fix cycle lanes (Finland)


The city of Espoo has launched a trial where citizens use their smartphones to help local authorities identify road infrastructure that needs to be fixed.

By using their phone cameras, residents can take photographs of problems they spot while on the move and upload them online using Mapillary – an app that lets people share images and tag their geographic location. 

Once the pictures are uploaded on the map, the application blurs the face of pedestrians and car number plates to ensure privacy and security.

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Madrid to spend € 40 million on cycle lanes in 2016


The Spanish capital is planning a major increase in spending on cycling infrastructure and the city’s bicycle-sharing network BiciMAD in the coming year.

The city council had originally planned to spend € 2 million on cycling in 2016, but will now spend € 40 million on 33 new cycling routes on streets or in public places and parks. Much of the funding will come from a national government fund for sustainable investments. A condition for the funding is that it must be spent by the end of 2016, meaning deadlines will be tight.

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