
Tag: slovakia

Slovakian government launches EV subsidies


The Slovakian government is providing financial support to citizens wishing to buy an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Announcing the plans on 11 November, Slovakia’s minister of the economy, Peter Ziga, said that the fund totals € 5.2 million and that the programme would be active only until the end of next year or the exhaustion of the funding.

The maximum amount of support available to individuals to buy fully electric cars is €5 000.

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Slovakia to support the purchase of EVs


Slovakia’s Ministry of Economy is planning to introduce a range of incentives to encourage people to buy electric vehicles (EV).

The Ministry presented this summer a detailed policy document that set out a number of measures to help it boost the number of cleaner vehicles on the country’s roads.

Specific measures include providing direct subsidies to purchase an EV and for drivers to have no obligation to pay the registration fee.

It is also planning to introduce tax relief measures and Low-Emission Zones, and a shorter depreciation period for companies.

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