
Tag: Trials

The Rise Of The Interconnected Megacity

[…] Smart city solutions can make life more convenient. For example in San Francisco, IoT smart parking navigation helps drivers on the hunt quickly find empty parking spaces. In Santander, Spain, 10,000 sensors embedded in street lamps, building walls, and under parking lots collect data on the city’s traffic, weather, and people making that data […]

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Italian pilot site: Large-scale testing ground for AUTOPILOT IoT e nabled autonomous driving

Florence-Livorno highway and road access to Livorno seaport provide large-scale testing ground for the AUTOPILOT IoT enabled autonomous driving On 19 April, the AUTOPILOT Project Consortium visited the Italian pilot site. AUTOPILOT, (AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things) is an EU-funded project that started in January 2017. It brings IoT into the automotive world […]

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