
Tag: Vulnerable Road Users

The findings in terms of time headway are rather alarming: Although it is strongly recommended to increase time headway with speed (even measured in time, not in meters) people obviously do the opposite as confirmed by both methods UDRIVE data and Austrian site-based speed data. This is more or less consistent through all the countries and all vehicle categories and it is valid up to a speed of 80 km/h per hour. The most effective intervention: Distance warning and adaptive cruise control. Public campaigning could raise awareness on the issue.

This is more or less consistent through all the countries and all vehicle categories and it is valid up to a speed of 80 km/h per hour. National differences are very small. The most effective intervention: Assistance systems like distance warning and adaptive cruise control should support optimised time headway with respect to speed. Campaigns […]

The post The findings in terms of time headway are rather alarming: Although it is strongly recommended to increase time headway with speed (even measured in time, not in meters) people obviously do the opposite as confirmed by both methods UDRIVE data and Austrian site-based speed data. This is more or less consistent through all the countries and all vehicle categories and it is valid up to a speed of 80 km/h per hour. The most effective intervention: Distance warning and adaptive cruise control. Public campaigning could raise awareness on the issue. appeared first on UDrive Results.

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Safety by numbers applies also for pedestrians. Expectancy is crucial – when pedestrians are present, drivers are better prepared for pedestrians in general and more ready for responding performing unexpected actions (e.g. stepping out )

The notion of “surprise” plays an important role: when PCWs were preceded by other events involving pedestrians (PCW or DZ), drivers significantly reduced their speeds and were better prepared for a potential conflict with pedestrians.

The post Safety by numbers applies also for pedestrians. Expectancy is crucial – when pedestrians are present, drivers are better prepared for pedestrians in general and more ready for responding performing unexpected actions (e.g. stepping out ) appeared first on UDrive Results.

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In our analyses car drivers checked their blind spot at only 7% of the right turns at intersections (UK: left turn), and at only 5% of the cases when leaving a roundabout. In the Netherlands the blindspot was checked significantly more than in other countries. The blind spot check frequency of Dutch truck drivers is in the same order of magnitude as Dutch car drivers.

Failure to perform appropriate visual checks at intersections may have contributed to the 2069 cyclist fatalities in the European Union in 2015. We investigated whether and when drivers perform visual checks for potentially encroaching cyclists during right-turn manoeuvres. Data was collected from 69 car drivers in France, the Netherlands, Poland, and UK, and from 12 […]

The post In our analyses car drivers checked their blind spot at only 7% of the right turns at intersections (UK: left turn), and at only 5% of the cases when leaving a roundabout. In the Netherlands the blindspot was checked significantly more than in other countries. The blind spot check frequency of Dutch truck drivers is in the same order of magnitude as Dutch car drivers. appeared first on UDrive Results.

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