Yunex Traffic Italy and Municipia SpA announced the strategic partnership aimed at driving forward the digitalisation and innovation of mobility and traffic management processes across Italian cities. Through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), this joint mission is clear: to support the digitalization of mobility and traffic management processes in Italian cities, with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions and enhancing the efficiency of urban traffic flows.

“In Italy, we are currently witnessing a profound wave of transformation that includes the development of smart cities, the concerted pursuit of sustainability goals, and the optimization of highway traffic and tunnel systems. As the technology player of the Mundys Group, we aim to push the boundaries of innovation and create integrated mobility ecosystems. By joining forces with Municipia, we are harnessing the power of platform-based, modular and intelligent solutions to help Italy reduce urban emissions, promote a more sustainable approach to mobility, and improve the mobility experience for end users,” says Gino Franco, Managing Director Yunex Traffic Italy.

At the core of our collaboration lies the creation of an ecosystem of platforms, utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) to develop a “digital twin” of urban mobility systems. This innovative approach will enable us to deliver value-added services tailored to support local authorities in managing their urban traffic more effectively – and ultimately provide more convenient, greener and connected mobility services to the citizens of Italy.

The services provided will include:

Proactively managing mobility demand and urban road traffic, which includes the dynamic regulation of traffic lights, prioritization of dedicated vehicles such as emergency vehicles or public transport, increasing safety for vulnerable road users such as cyclists, providing real-time information on variable electronic message signs or mobility applications

  • Providing flexible options for local public transport and shared mobility services, ensuring convenient and accessible transportation solutions for residents and visitors alike.
  • Optimizing the management of infrastructure and urban spaces, including planning road maintenance based on traffic impact forecasts, adjusting access and transit times in Restricted Traffic Zones, and offering information on parking services for both regular and cargo/unloading bays.
  • Implementing dynamic regulatory schemes and tariffs for access, transit, parking, and urban logistics activities, managing the processes associated with authorization and fine enforcement effectively.

Together with Municipia, we’re dedicated to fostering a public-private partnership model for Project Financing, promoting the implementation, management, and continuous technological evolution of digital platforms for cities. By exploring innovative forms of collaboration and regulation, we aim to realize tangible benefits, including reductions in accident rates, congestion, pollution, noise, and land occupation, while aligning with sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Source: Yunex Traffic