Yunex Traffic has modernised five traffic light systems at the Großer Stern in Berlin on behalf of GB infraSignal GmbH. The systems have been equipped with the latest 24 V LED technology to save energy. Additionally, a local traffic control system helps reduce traffic jams. At three of the five intersections, cyclists also benefit from an extension of their green phases, reducing the risk of accidents.

The Großer Stern in the Tiergarten district of Berlin is one of many landmarks of the capital city. The multi-lane roundabout, which is used by thousands of vehicles every day, was previously controlled by traffic light systems from the 1990s. Using 10V incandescent lamp technology, the systems consumed a lot of electricity and required extensive maintenance. For this reason, the city of Berlin decided to upgrade the five systems with the latest 24V LED technology.

70% energy savings of the traffic light systems thanks to 1-watt technology

Together with GB infraSignal GmbH, a subsidiary of the state-owned Grün Berlin GmbH, Yunex Traffic has modernized the entire outdoor facilities in just four days. Thanks to Yunex Traffic’s 1-watt LED technology, the traffic light systems at the Großer Stern are expected to consume at least 70% less energy than before, according to current calculations

“We are pleased to support the modernization at the Großer Stern in Berlin together with infraSignal and are proud of this long-standing collaboration. As one of the most important junctions in the city, we, as an innovative technology provider, can ensure that emissions in road traffic are reduced and safety is increased,” says Nils Schmidt, Managing Director of Yunex Traffic Germany.

Intelligent traffic control: fewer emissions, more safety

Through a local macro-traffic control system, which reacts to the traffic demands throughout the roundabout with state-of-the-art measurements and analysis, the traffic light sequencing can be adjusted to ensure smooth traffic flow and reduce congestion. This reduces pollutant emissions and decreases waiting times at traffic lights.

Cyclists also benefit from the modernization: at three of the five systems, an extension of the green phase has been integrated, reducing frequent stops at red lights and increasing safety for cyclists. The extended green phases are also intended to increase the attractiveness of cycling in Berlin.

At the same time, the new control system for the traffic light systems is less prone to malfunctions, further enhancing safety at this crucial traffic junction in the heart of Berlin. Due to its proximity to the government district, special controls for exceptional journeys are also possible.

Since April 8, 2024, all five traffic light systems have been operational, ensuring smooth traffic flow while significantly reducing energy consumption. This retrofit is part of a large-scale modernization project of traffic technology in the city of Berlin. The five systems are also the subject of a research project at the Technical University of Berlin, which focuses on “automated driving.”

Source: Yunex Traffic