The latest episode of the 5G-MOBIX interview series, 5G Talks, offers an insight into the project’s Trial Site in Korea thanks to the Korea Automotive Technology Institute. KATECH is active in several areas of the Korean Automotive Industry and supports central and local governments’ automotive R&D policies. The Institute leads the 5G-MOBIX Korean Trial Site and works closely with different technical  partners to carry out two CCAM use cases on the Korean testing grounds.

5G-MOBIX: a project on-par with KATECH’s own research interests

The drive with which the 5G-MOBIX project was developed matches KATECH’s own objectives to promote and encourage innovation of cooperative automated vehicles and to harmonize all technologies related to 5G. At the Korean Trial Site where KATECH is the leader, two use cases, namely the remote-controlled vehicle and tethering via mmWAVE communication use case, are being tested

Figure 1 – Field trial of the remote controlled vehicle use case via mmWAVE communication in KATECH testing ground – South Korea

Bringing versatile testing grounds to the project

Korean testing grounds are located in two places: a test track built parallel Yeoju Highway which offers a 7.7 km-long patch of testing ground (see Figure 2) and KATECH’s own on-site testing ground, a 1 km patch of different types of test roads (i.e. Belgian pavé road, straight lane, braking track) along with a test road mimicking an urban setting with multiple intersections.

The Trial Site has been conducting successful trials

So far, the trials conducted by KATECH and the technical partner ETRI have been going well. Key functionalities (i.e. beam switching and handover) and an mmWAVE network system integrated into the remote control vehicle have been successfully tested and validated.

Figure 2 – Field trial of the tethering via mmWAVE communication use case conducted on a highway test track in Yeoju, Korea.

Next on the agenda: testing predefined scenarios with a remote-controlled vehicle

KATECH is now preparing to test the functionalities of a remote-controlled vehicle via mmWAVE communication link on KATECH’s closed testing ground. These tests will be carried out with predefined scenarios such as high-speed maneuvering with the remote-controlled vehicle and various other maneuvers such as lane changing and avoiding a sudden obstacle.

Click here to read the full interview and to access the previous interviews on the project website.

The 5G-MOBIX project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 825496.