On 10 May, the Greek and Turkish partners of the ERTICO coordinated 5G-MOBIX project, demonstrated to the public that, with uninterrupted 5G coverage, connected and automated mobility (CAM) is not some futuristic scenario but is possible now, even under challenging circumstances such as crossing hard land borders.

The exciting event took place on the southeastern border of Europe, between Kipoi, Greece and Ipsala, Turkey. Because this trial site provides a strategic geopolitical environment, a pertinent and well-chosen testing ground for the operation of CAM use cases at a hard EU border, the event garnered a lot of interest and was also covered by the Greek public broadcaster ERT.

For a closer look, watch this video to see how the Greek-Turkey cross border trial site addresses the challenges of heavy commercial traffic by implementing vehicle platooning, automated truck routing and assisted border crossing. This is a great achievement for the whole consortium but particularly the partners directly involved in the Greek-Turkey cross-border trial site: WINGS, FORD, COSMOTE, TURKCELL, ERICSSON-GR, ERICSSON-TR, TUBITAKINTRASOFT, ICCS, IMEC, AALTO and AKKA.

Read all the latest 5G-MOBIX news on the project website, and stay tuned for the next large scale cross-border event in Spain-Portugal in mid-September!

5G-MOBIX has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 825496.