ERTICO – ITS Europe is thrilled to launch the new video series, ‘An Exclusive Interview Series on Future European Mobility.’ Led by Joost Vantomme, CEO of ERTICO, this series invites high-level representatives and leading experts from the European Commission to discuss and exchange ideas on the tangible impacts of current policies and framework, highlighting successful initiatives and offers a glimpse into the future mobility landscape in Europe focusing on bringing innovation to deployment.

Part 1: Takeaways from ERTICO Think Tank event with Herald Ruijters

In the first episode, in conjunction with the ERTICO Think Tank event organised earlier this year, Herald Ruijters, Deputy Director-General of DG MOVE, European Commission was invited to share his valuable insight and forecast of future mobility in Europe. He reflects on the importance of organising events like the ERTICO Think Tank considering the forthcoming period with a new European Parliament and Commission. He also highlights the event’s collaborative nature for sharing ideas, expertise and knowledge to further strengthen networking opportunities that help shape the future of European mobility. Herald shares his view on how the current policy frameworks, introduced in 2019, paved the way for today’s intelligent transport and smart mobility advancements across Europe. In particular, the European Green Deal and the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy have guided this transformation, focusing on the deployment of innovation as the groundwork for future mobility.

Do not miss out on this exclusive interview series where Europe’s mobility leaders share their vision for a sustainable transport future. Watch the full interview with Herald Ruijters here to gain an insider’s perspective on the dynamic transformations shaping Europe’s mobility landscape.