AEOLIX consortium met in Gothenburg, Sweden, to discuss the technical progress of the project in the 11 Living Labs. The project is progressing well, the different LLs are looking for a common approach to deploying AEOLIX in the forthcoming years. The meeting was also the opportunity to present a White Paper on AEOLIX mission and vision which will be publicly available in the second half of 2017.
AEOLIX is an ambitious project with the final goal of developing a digital platform to better manage, plan and synchronise freight and logistics operations across Europe which are currently fragmented. To overcome this fragmentation and lack of connectivity between systems and services for logistics decision making processes, AEOLIX proposes connecting logistics information systems of different characteristics, intra- and cross-company, for immediate (real-time) exchanges of information in support of logistics-related decisions. AEOLIX provides a comprehensive architecture to enable a digitally secure and regulated logistics services and information sharing platform based on the following specific components:
- AEOLIX Connectivity Engine: responsible for providing the connectivity and interoperability services to support seamless data exchanges between organisations and services.
- AEOLIX Toolkit: core logistics services to support and implement the business needs of AEOLIX end-users.
- AEOLIX Dashboard: a dedicated portal to the AEOLIX Platform, which manages and enables access to end to end logistics visibility
The consortium then visited the LL2 powered by NTex and Chalmers in the port of Gothenburg to see NTex latest solutions to optimise logistics operations.
A webcast will be soon published with some highlights of the visit to the LL2 – NTex.