The CONCORDA Hybrid Communication Task Force has created and approved the first “IP-based Hybrid Communication Profiles”, as baseline for discussions with C-Roads on Hybrid Communication solutions for European C-ITS.

The main objective of CONCORDA project is to perform and promote, directly and indirectly, international standardisation, and contribute to the establishment of a global information infrastructure.

The project is working to ensure seamless integration and interoperability of long-range and short-range communication technologies.

CONCORDA will not limit the scope to the radio link of cellular communication technology, but broaden the view in the sense of “information exchange” and “Eco-systems” (as discussed in CODECS: CODECS Deliverable T4.2.1 Workshop ITS Hybrid Communication), to achieve an end-to-end solution centered around the goals of European C-ITS.



CONCORDA (CONnected CORridor for Driving Automation) is a 20MEuro CEF project (Connecting Europe Facility for the transport domain), with the aim to demonstrate vehicular platoon, with a lead vehicle and more highly automated or driverless following vehicles, across testing sites in five countries (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain).

To learn more, please read here or contact the Project coordinator, Mr. Eusebiu Catana: