CONCORDA, CONnected CORridors for Driving Automation, is a frontrunner project in the definition of the European framework for automated driving. With the support of over 27 partners in five countries, technologies connected to the self-driving functions of cars have been tested in operational traffic, thus providing accurate data and insights for road users and authorities. After four years, on November 18, 2021, participants will present the results of their testing activities and will discuss what are the next steps for CONCORDA.

Here’s a look back on what the project has achieved so far.

The main scope of the CONCORDA project was to contribute to the preparation of European motorways for automated driving and high-density truck platooning with adequate connected services and technologies. CONCORDA was simultaneously a pre-deployment action paving the way for interoperable hybrid C-ITS deployments and an innovation action for evaluating C-V2X PC5 in coexistence with ITS-G5 802.11p, MEC-based low-latency ITS message (re-)distribution and implementing and evaluating advanced CAD/CCAM services like CACC and HDTP.  It was an important achievement for CONCORDA to deploy C-V2X technology on a Pan-European scale. Qualcomm has supported CONCORDA with the C-V2X technology for all seven pilot sites.

CONCORDA has also demonstrated that C-ITS technology works. Short range – both 802.11p and PC5 provide good performance beyond road safety for CAD (now CCAM). There is room for improvement in the implementation and optimization of the respective service stacks. Coexistence proved possible by using separate channels in the ITS band 5.9GHz and long range over LTE. The resulting hybrid communication successfully augmented short-range communication.

The so-called “hybrid communication” has been tested in Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands (3 pilots) and Spain. The pilot sites worked as a large team with a joint approach while also complementing each other’s work nicely.

Another important achievement was related to cybersecurity. CONCORDA coordiantor, Dr. Eusebiu Catana (ERTICO), says, ‘CONCORDA is the first European project to implement the security certificate ETSI PKI 1.3.1 at a Pan-European scale has become a reference project for further implementations.’

The realisation of CONCORDA’s goals required collaboration between established car manufacturers, large telecom providers, suppliers and road authorities, Tier 1 & Tier 2 suppliers, governments, universities and knowledge institutions. The project’s multi-stakeholder approach also allowed the sharing of competencies and knowledge to overcome the challenges over the past four years of the project. As Dr. Catana  recalls, ‘one of the challenges for the project entailed the capability to combine partners’ approaches and techniques’. He identified CONCORDA as a Pan-European solution where great potential was brought together to foster continuous growth. Sebe Vogel (Rijkswaterstaat), Amsterdam Pilot Site Leader, shared the same point of view: ‘everyone’s efforts in the consortium have led to the implementation of information exchange between the roadside and an automated vehicle, therefore increasing the efficiency of traffic flow and reinforcing safety’.

This pioneering four-year project has provided numerous insights in the field of automated driving and all partners have high expectations for the future. The goals achieved until now seem a prediction of what CONCORDA 2.0 could accomplish between 2022 and 2025.

Follow the CONCORDA website to stay updated on project development and next steps towards innovation in automated driving!


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme – Transport Sector under grant agreement No INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2016/1364071.