In conjunction with the European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving, conference attendees are invited to attend the Side Events on 5-6 April. Including the following:
Scenario based safety validation
Location: Volvo Europe, Avenue du Hunderenveld/Hunderenveldlaan 10, 1082 Brussels
It is expected that testing of Cooperative and Automated Driving should include realistic driving situations. This makes testing an enormous task. This session will discuss using scenarios to make safety validation of Automated Driving manageable. Using naturalistic driving data, scenarios can be generated for virtual testing.
Presentations on Pegasus (Adrian Zlocki, FKA), ENABLE-S3 (Andrea Leitner, AVL) and TNO Streetwise (Sytze Kalisvaart, TNO)
Challenges, drivers and factors for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe 2020
Location: Volvo Europe, Avenue du Hunderenveld/Hunderenveldlaan 10, 1082 Brussels
What are the main challenges, drivers and factors for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe 2020 and what is the vision for 2040? What are the research and innovation needs? Based on ERTRAC Automated Driving roadmap, CARTRE and SCOUT insights this interactive session will focus on your views.
(Roadmap, scenarios and deployment paths / future research needs WP5)
Learning to learn from pilots/FOT: towards collaboration and coordination of evaluation activities in pilots/FOTs 
Location: Volvo Europe, Avenue du Hunderenveld/Hunderenveldlaan 10, 1082 Brussels
One of the important elements of pilots is to learn from them, what is the impact on traffic flow, is the HMI well designed, how do users experience certain functionalities, under what conditions do they operate, etc. And since pilots are often quite complex and costly it’s a good idea to share and/or compare the lessons learned with other pilots. CARTRE’s WP4 “Data exchange and common evaluation framework” is dedicated to this subject and its objectives are to facilitate the exchange of data, experience and knowledge for comparing and deploying results from pilots and to foster a common evaluation framework across Automated Road Transport (ART) projects. In this workshop the focus will be on the needs for data exchange (including experience and knowledge) and evaluation support. The results of a questionnaire amongst various stakeholders will be presented and discussed. In addition to this we will actively seek input from the audience regarding the different expectations.
The future of the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge (GCDC)
Location: Volvo Europe, Avenue du Hunderenveld/Hunderenveldlaan 10, 1082 Brussels
Open innovation by the brightest minds from Europe! Cooperation and competition by multi-year challenges in the field of cooperative and automated driving; a learning-by-doing pressure cooker that generates new technology breakthroughs and speeds up the real-life implementation of cooperative automated driving.
After the successful GCDC in May 2016, the first ideas for continuation are currently being created and will be open for discussion in this session.
CARTRE Joint Stakeholder Network meeting
- Volvo Europe, Avenue du Hunderenveld/Hunderenveldlaan 10, 1082 Brussels
- ERTICO – ITS Europe Avenue Louise 326, 1050 Brussels
You can join and shape the research agenda and roadmaps for Connected and Automated Driving 2020 – 2040. The CARTRE consortium invites you as a stakeholder in this domain to identify the opportunities, challenges, positions and research topics. We will focus on:
- Policy and regulatory needs, European harmonisation
- Connectivity
- Socio-economic assessment and sustainability
Your input will be integrated into position papers on these topics.
ADAS&ME Workshop Invitation & Agenda
Locations: ERTICO – ITS Europe Avenue Louise 326, Blue Tower, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
This Workshop targets to present the results of ADAS&ME online Stakeholders’ survey focusing on the 7 ADAS&ME Use Cases and perform interactive focus group discussions in order to reach a first prioritisation for each UC scenarios. Three Focus Groups will be created during the Workshop: a) cars, b) trucks/ buses and c) motorcycles. The focus groups discussions will be consolidated and presented at the closing session.
For more information, please visit the Connected Automated Driving in Europe website at: