As the world converges at the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai, UAE, from 30 November to 12 December, to address the challenges of climate change and related priorities for a more sustainable transport future, ERTICO – ITS Europe reaffirms its mission to develop, promote, and facilitate the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services (ITS).

ITS serve as a key contributor to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular the ‘Target 11.2’ on providing access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all by 2030. This includes improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations. Standing at the intersection of innovation and collaboration, ERTICO’s vision for sustainable, efficient, and safe mobility aligns seamlessly with the COP28 agenda. The discussions on the transport-energy nexus and reducing emissions from the transport sector will be key, highlighting the need for a shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and low-emission fuels. This goes hand in hand with the focus of creating a just transition to a net-zero road transport future which lies at the heart of the sessions taking place from 5-6 December. The focus on ITS is instrumental in addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by this electrification transition.

Mr Joost Vantomme, ERTICO CEO, emphasises the unique position ERTICO holds as a thought leader, bringing together over 120 members, “Cooperation is key in advancing the smart and sustainable mobility agenda, and we recognise that there is a need for stronger collaboration between the two sectors, energy and transportation. It is in our ambition to keep a finger on the pulse, and we will continue to bring together ERTICO Partners and stakeholders to discuss regulatory policy work on green mobility, sustainability and smart mobility, as well as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, mobility data spaces, ITS Directive, and much more to come.

Together with its Partners, ERTICO develops and promotes sustainable mobility solutions and facilitates its effective deployment. Developing electro-mobility and associated services such as interoperable electric vehicle charging are high on the agenda, and was already a major objective of COP21 held in Glasgow. Transitions towards zero-emission road transport technology reached a tipping point, focusing on promoting electric vehicles, essential infrastructures, and the greater multimodality and shared mobility ecosystem. The transformative shift contribute to the European Green Deal. ERTICO recognises the significance of this transition and actively contributes to the missions within and beyond its focus area and roadmap on Clean & Eco-Mobility to:

  • Develop a common approach to the evaluation of ITS deployment as a tool for emissions reduction
  • Contribute to smart mobility solutions being recognised as a tool for reducing emissions
  • Achieve interoperability of electro-mobility
  • Contribute to creating an ICT network with seamless and interoperable electro-mobility services-mobility solutions in cities
  • Create a cleaner eco-mobility future for all

Together with other leading organisations, ERTICO contributes to a joint vision across the sphere of smart and sustainable transport. A recent example reflects the public consultation feedback to the European Commission (DG FISMA) on the preparatory work on the Environment Delegated Act (under the Taxonomy Regulation 2020/853), focusing on a new set of EU taxonomy criteria for economic activities that contribute substantially to one or more of the environmental objectives.

ERTICO also reaches out to the broader mobility ecosystem through international cooperation and strategic partnerships. Most recently, on Monday 13 November, ERTICO signed a joint statement on Sustainable Future Mobility Systems together with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This will allow both organisations to continue advocating for radical innovation and systemic change, including the need for transformative initiatives that go beyond surface-level changes, tackling root causes through technological innovation, new business models, and organisational shifts based on co-creation and citizen engagement.

Learn more about ERTICO, and discover all our Partnership Projects and Innovation Platforms here.

Save the date for the next big event in Dubai, the 30th ITS World Congress taking place from 16-20 September 2024, entirely dedicated to ‘Mobility Driven by ITS’.