The research group at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, department of transport technology and Economics was invited by the University of Maribor to join the PLOTO consortium to establish a use case scenario in Budapest, Hungary. Together with RSOE, BSZL and MAV, they support the development of the project’s use cases in the Hungarian pilot site located in the Budapest inland port area. The selection of the specific area of the port of Csepel is due to its significance for the Hungarian waterway transport sector. Accessible via one railway connection and from two main road directions, the port serves Budapest with approximately 1.7 million inhabitants and the entire central Hungarian region, counting approximately 3.5 million inhabitants and cargoes arriving from very distant areas.

BME’s team works with system engineering considering the internal and external correspondences and focusing on the users. They will develop assessment frameworks and procedures, establishing novel solutions by modelling the transport network while efficiently enhancing the stakeholder engagement and sustainability aspects. Based on data flows, simulation tools and support models can be prepared to support quantitative results’ analysis and describe future scenarios and situations.

The topic of infrastructure resilience enhancement by advanced information services is relevant for all types of assets and transportation modes, to significantly consolidate the cooperation along the supply chain. As this issue cannot be solved in the short term, research, development and innovation actions are needed. The Budapest University of Technology will use its counselling know-how and expertise to further technological progress.

Read the full interview here.