The “European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities” welcomes organisations to become members. Interested parties need to respond to the currently open “Invitation for Commitment”: http://ec.europa.eu/eip/smartcities/about-partnership/how-do-i-get-involved/index_en.htm
This “Invitation for Commitment” asks organisations to share their existing or planned Smart City related activities. Later this year, “Action Clusters”, basically working groups, will be set out, thematically structured around the 11 priority areas of the Innovation Partnership. More info here: http://ec.europa.eu/eip/smartcities/files/sip_final_en.pdf
The working groups will be cross-sectorial: ICT, energy and mobility. There is no obligation on members to commit to any particular actions as the groups will be self-organised, with the European Commission facilitating. The objective is to share experiences, scale up solutions stakeholders have been developing and testing, so working together on further deployment.
FAQ available on http://ec.europa.eu/eip/smartcities/links/index_en.htm
Last modified on Wednesday, 25 June 2014