On Monday 12 December, the city of Aachen (Germany) will welcome representatives from other European cities for a study visit to the buildings refurbished within the EU-GUGLE project. The visit will focus on issues related to social housing refurbishment and will give participants the opportunity to discover the innovative energy efficiency measures implemented in Aachen.
In the framework of the EU-GUGLE project, four 1970s housing blocks, located in the Joseph-von-Görres Straβe, Wiesenthalstraβe and Rehmviertel, have already been retrofitted in Aachen. The thermal insulation of roofs, basements and façades has been improved and balconies and windows have been replaced to avoid thermal bridges.
Additionally, the city has installed a new central heating system providing heat from exhaust air and sewage water. 100% of the heat supplied to the renovated dwellings, including hot water, is now produced by the new heating system, while the electric heat pumps use green power generated by PV plants.
The visit will combine on-site visits of retrofitted buildings with presentations from the local partners, explaining the overall process, financing models, technical solutions and tenant engagement. It also provides an opportunity for other cities interested in the measures implemented in Aachen to discuss the potential for replicating these solutions in their own city.
If you would like to join the study visit, please register by 2 December at the latest via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/energy-efficient-retrofitting-for-social-…
For any question, please contact Guillaume.corradino@greenovate.eu.