From 8 to 11 June, European projects 5G-MOBIX, 5G-LOGINNOV (both coordinated by ERTICO) and 5G-META (coordinated by ERTICO Partner Vicomtech) participated in the EuCNC & 6G Summit presenting their activities that advance 5G in the automotive and logistics sectors. This is one way for ERTICO and its 120 Partners to develop, promote, and deploy intelligent mobility services through European-funded projects. 

With a total of three workshops, two virtual stands and a set of scientific papers, ERTICO once again made its voice heard among the cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses at this year’s EuCNC conference.

Projects 5GMETA and 5G-LOGINNOV made their first debut in the 5G arena with a joint workshop titled ‘How the 5G ecosystem empowers the port, logistics and automotive industries. For both projects, data has become a significant asset- to cope with traffic congestion, environmental challenges, handle upcoming and future logistics capacity, and develop economic and innovative business opportunities for regions, industries, SMEs, and high-tech start-ups. According to the 5G-LOGINNOV project coordinator, Dr. Eusebiu Catana’ 5GMETA and 5G-LOGINNOV will use data to stimulate and facilitate innovative products and services to ensure data privacy and security interoperability and ownership. To reach these goals, the projects will use new, creative concepts, applications and devices supported by 5G Technologies, IoT, Data Analytics, Next Generation Traffic Management and CCAM.

Thanks to both project consortiums’ expertise, which gathers relevant and well-positioned European stakeholders from research and academia, telecommunications, RTOs, clusters, incubators and industry, participants to the workshop learned about the CAD and logistics challenges, architecture innovations and services enabled by 5G. Both projects presented concrete actions, activities and 5G roadmaps through their respective living labs and use cases, which include use cases on R&D Live Training Loop, Networking Parking and Driving Safety & Awareness, Traffic Management Applications, Video Surveillance, Precise positioning, Predictive Maintenance and Real-Time Tracking.

Project 5G-MOBIX, which has entered its second year of action, presented its results on 5G for CCAM in Cross-Border Corridors with two workshops, scientific papers and a stand at the virtual exhibition. This ERTICO-coordinated project discussed the technical challenges considered solutions and, most importantly, the preliminary results from its ongoing cross-border trials along 5G cross-border corridors across Europe. The two workshops also touched upon topics such as the various barriers and opportunities brought by 5G for CCAM and the first lessons learned from 5G network deployments and corresponding trials, together with the implications for the future of 5G deployment and the prospects for the support of seamless CCAM service provisioning.

The recordings of the workshops will be available soon. In the meantime, make sure to follow the three projects on social media!

5G-MOBIX Twitter and LinkedIn

5G-LOGINNOV Twitter and LinkedIn

5GMETA Twitter and LinkedIn