On Friday, 19 September, ERTICO expert Dr. Stephane Dreher will participate in the online International Symposium organised by the Meiji University’s Institute of Autonomous Driving, Tokyo, to present the overall picture of automated driving projects and policy in the EU, including ERTICO’s activities and the updated 2020-2035 Roadmap of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Driving (CCAM). This initiative is a great example of supporting the aim of the ERTICO Academy, a unique training platform that offers Public Authorities and their teams personalised and interactive training in smart mobility on a wide range of topics with the aim to increase the uptake of ITS and intelligent mobility by sharing knowledge and expertise across sectors and regions.
During the session on the topic ‘Current Status, Strategy and Legal Challenges of Automated Driving in the EU’, taking place from 09:00 – 11:00 AM (CET), Dr. Dreher will present an overview of the automated driving policy context and R&I project landscape in Europe with a particular focus on the coordination instruments that have been put in place to harmonise Research and Development across Europe, including the CCAM Partnership and the ARACDE/FAME Support Actions.
As a leading public-private partnership, ERTICO is working with its Partners on updating the Roadmaps, which lays down the paths towards achieving its vision and operational CCAM services supporting decarbonisation available in Europe by 2035. In order to achieve this, necessary steps include:
- The development of common and harmonised evaluation and impact assessment methodologies.
- Raising awareness about CCAM among users and citizens.
- Progressing CCAM through new data technologies and data spaces.
- Organising more large-scale demonstrations to better understand the overall impacts of CCAM.
Following a comprehensive introduction of ERTICO and CCAM as a key focus area, Dr. Dreher presents an overview of the European Policy landscape related to CCAM, highlighting a series of policy actions which aim to enable the deployment of Connected Automated Driving (CAD), strengthening the underlying infrastructure, facilitating data sharing between private and public sectors, and supporting the flow of data across sectors and borders.
Dr. Dreher also discusses two of ERTICO’s prominent projects and coordination tools in this field: the EU-funded Coordination and Support Actions ARCADE (2018 – 2022) and FAME (2022 – 2025), a project that will continue the development of the EU Knowledge Base on CCAM. The new project FAME will follow up the activities of ARCADE, which supported the identification of synergies and gaps in R&I activities across Europe to facilitate the coordination and planning for the next steps of both R&I and demonstrations. FAME will aim to further facilitate the exchange of best practices and lessons learned and develop a European coordination framework for Research and Innovation as well as large-scale testing.
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