Europe, U.S. and Japan are working to identify important key performance indicators (KPIs) for assessing the impacts of automated driving. We would like to hear your views on this topic via our KPI Survey.
This survey is intended to assess the importance of specific KPIs for the automation of road transportation. Results will be analyzed separately for different levels of automation (low vs. high) and for different types of transportation systems. The outcome will be recommendations for the most important KPIs to be further defined and used in studies as well as a repository of additional KPIs.
This work is part of an effort where Europe, U.S. and Japan are building a trilateral high-level impact assessment framework for automation in road transportation. This cooperation is supported by CARTRE project in Europe, Intelligent Transport Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) of US DOT in the United States and by the SIP-adus project in Japan.
Please be prepared to complete the survey in one sitting (it takes between 5 and 20 minutes, depending on the number of impact areas chosen), and remember to press ‘Send’ when you are done. You may use the link to the survey several times and e.g. fill it in separately for different impact areas, different levels of automation, or for different vehicle types.
All individual responses will be treated anonymously. The answers will be useful in coordinating research efforts in Europe, U.S. and Japan, to facilitate the sharing of results around the world.
You may enter the survey here or by copying this URL ( to your browser.