In December 2008 the European Commission published an ITS Action Plan suggesting a number of targeted measures towards the deployment and use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in road transport. In addition A draft directive was proposed laying down the framework for the implementation of ITS. Last week the European Parliament approved the plans for the implementation of “Intelligent Transport Systems” framework in the EU road transport sector.  The draft directive on the application of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in road transport and interfaces with other transport modes was adopted with some amendments. MEPs are enthusiastic about the benefits ITS can bring to European citizens in terms of road safety reducing traffic jams and better journey planning. However they have called on the Commission to make a number of improvements to their proposals:

  • to enhance compatibility between ITS systems and ensuring “backward compatibility” with previous applications and systems;
  • to increase the focus on vulnerable road users (pedestrians cyclists motorcyclists disabled people and people with limited mobility); 
  • to ensure respect for data protection and privacy: collection storage and processing of personal data must be carried out in accordance with EU rules;
  • to clarify liability issues by involving experts and stakeholders.

According to the co-decision procedure the European Council will now discuss the draft directive. A first reading decision in expected for the second half of 2009. For more information about the ITS Action Plan please visit the European Commission website.



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Original Publication Date: Tue 27 Jul 2010