TN-ITS GO Final event: Postponed

The TN-ITS GO consortium is proud to invite you to attend its Final Event on 3rd December 2021 from 9.30 till 14.30. Due to the rapidly changing epidemiological situation, the TN-ITS GO Final Event will NOT take place in person in Brussels. We will keep you informed on the next steps. Registration for the online […]

5G-MOBIX Webinar – 5G for CAM Deployment: Challenges and Lessons Learned

In this webinar on 3rd December 10:00-11:15 CEST (updated time), 5G-MOBIX, 5G-CroCo and 5G-CARMEN partners will bring forward their experience on challenges faced and lessons learned during deployment and integration of 5G for CAM use cases in cross-border scenarios, namely 5G network connectivity, vehicles/OBUs, and software tools. You can follow this link to register for the webinar free of charge. […]

SUNRISE kick-off meeting

The new SUNRISE - Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms - project is one of the latest actions on the Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) sector launched by the European Commission through its executive agency, CINEA. ERTICO will participate in the kick-off meeting that will take place in Brussels on 20-21 September. […]

5G-MOBIX final webinar: results & recommendations

Webinar 5G for CAM in Cross-border environments The 5G-MOBIX EC project's trials have assessed the added value of 5G connectivity for connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) services and functionalities in cross-border conditions. This webinar will present a comprehensive overview of the 5G-MOBIX evaluation results and recommendations. Participants will get insights into the recent key findings […]